Your branding photos and headshots and any image you put online are your 24/7 signature sales call to your potential clients and I absolutely believe they should represent you and your energy authentically.
So if you happen to be playful, cool, casual and professional then I am so excited to offer a fun look and feel to these sessions!
Here’s the thing, you don’t want to miss out because I’m coming to Regina for these sessions for just ONE day, and I’ve found the -coolest- venue that fits this theme to a T.

With these sessions you will get 40 mins fully coached and directed in front of my lens, with the option to bring two outfits and any little props you might like!
Face by Megan will be working her magic with professional makeup before your shoot and not to mention the super cute location we get to do it all in.
You’ll leave this experience with a happy heart and also twelve new, unique and fun images to show the world! Total value of this collection is $800 and on June 16th I am offering these sessions for only $399.

As for looks go, we’ll have so many options from a kitchen look, to casual living room or heck, even a fun bedroom look. Let them eat cake!
FINE PRINT: Price & promotion is available on June 16th only, no rain cheques. A 50% non-refundable retainer is required to book an appointment time. Spaces are limited and will be on first come first serve basis. Session is for one individual only, Client is responsible for their own wardrobe and props and hair services.